Oct 17, 2007

Nov 2, meet thru Webcam Presidental Candidates

Hello everyone,

Thought this would be interesting to all. There is a webcam going to teleconference all day on Nov 2, 2007 thru the link below so that everyone can see online the Presidential Candidates live from New Hampshire.


This is being offered thru this link free of charge to let everyone get a change to see what each candidate has to say about what they are going to do if elected. They also have set up if you have a big group to contact them to set it up to accept thru a different line so that a group can watch it in a room at one time instead of just one log in.

I think everyone of us parents, consumers, Waiver Support Coordinators and Support Coordinators get a change to see what is being promised to us if we vote for them. We all need to get involved and get out there and vote the right person into office this time. We need to realize that if we do not vote then we are just as responsible for the errors that are happening in this country right now. Each and everyone of us needs to understand that these cuts may not have happened if we all got up and somehow got to go to vote. These people who are representing us need to understand that until they walk in your shoes once or twice they do not understand what these budget cuts are causing us in services.

I know that i am a parent of a disabled intense adult who is 23 while stuck in a brain function of a 2 yr old and needs 24 hr care and we have just been cut not once but twice. We submitted for the emergency request and still have been turned down. They are now confusing the budget * we call the cost plan and purchase plan that is submitted yearly with a new fiscal year starting in Jul from now on instead of Feb. We came on the program in Feb 1999. So that would make the plan from Feb to Feb each yr. Now the new people reviewing the plans are using Jul thru Jul so it looks like we have gone over our budget when in fact we have never in all the 7 yrs we have been on this program and even have money going into saving like this CDC plus program was suppose to do. We have been able to purchase services that were needed thru this saving. When on the regular Medwaiver Program you get most of the services that are offered if needed. On the CDC plus you need to do a saving plan to get these services for your consumer.

The program can work if you make it work and not go over your budget that is authorized by the APD agency. I am living proof that it can be very good program to get onto in the future if offered. The difference in the two are you decide where and what services you want and need.

So start helping yourself and asking questions and get answers. As they stated no question is a dumb question but the one you do not ask. If I can offer any help please email me and I will try to locate the right answer for you.

well till next post take care....hang in there ...thing will start to get better soon ....

await your questions .... don't' get mad if it takes a few days for answers ...I have to do research on most of them.

hope to keep this information updated daily .....