Jan 31, 2008

(APD) News Release

Agency for Persons with Disabilities
S t a t e o f F l o r i d a

For Immediate Release: January 31, 2008
Contact: Melanie Mowry Etters Communications Director 850-488-4257

Budget Supports People with DisabilitiesTALLAHASSEE — Jane Johnson, Director for the Agency for Persons withDisabilities (APD), today announced her support for the Fiscal Year 2008-09budget recommendations proposed by Governor Charlie Crist and Lt. GovernorJeff Kottkamp. The budget will allow for people with developmentaldisabilities to continue to receive needed services through APD."I am thankful to Governor Crist and Lt. Governor Kottkamp foracknowledging the importance of addressing the needs of Floridians withdevelopmental disabilities by funding the Medicaid waiver programs,"Director Johnson said. "In a tight budget year, we appreciate theGovernor's commitment to Florida's vulnerable citizens. Our agency's goalis to provide Floridians with needed services so they may continue to becontributing members of their community. Governor Crist's recommendedbudget will help us achieve this objective."Currently APD serves approximately 35,000 Floridians with developmentaldisabilities. Of those citizens, more than 25,000 are currently enrolled inthe Home and Community-Based Services Medicaid Waiver. The waiver allowsthem to receive services to support living in their community. The proposedbudget includes $24 million in state funds to replace nonrecurring fundsthat were in last year's APD budget. This money will be matched by thefederal government, providing $54 million to the agency which will allowAPD to continue serving individuals through the Medicaid waiver at currentlevels.The Governor is also recommending $5.9 million to serve approximately 250individuals with developmental disabilities who are expected to qualify fora crisis designation in the next year. People in crisis are those who are adanger to themselves and others, are homeless, or no longer have someone tocare for them and they require immediate services.Money also has been earmarked to increase staffing ratios at the MentallyRetarded Defendant Program (MRDP). MRDP houses approximately 200 people whohave been accused of felony crimes but determined incompetent to standtrial due to their disabilities and by law must be placed in a securefacility. The Governor's budget includes $1.3 million to hire 74 employeesto enhance security at the facility in Chattahoochee.