Aug 12, 2008

Please Join Us!
Tell Us How Recent Cuts to
Developmental Disability Services
and Budgets Have Affected Your
Saturday, August 23rd ~ 1:00 – 3:00PM
1906 Bloomingdale Ave. Valrico, Fl.
• Has your ADULT family member experienced cuts to their PCA or
Supported Living Coaching services?
• Will your family member’s anticipated assignment to a new Tier Waiver
reduce your budget for needed supports?
If so, please join us. The Florida Developmental Disabilities Council (FDDC)
is holding focus groups across the state to get information on how individuals
and families are being affected by these recent cuts. This information will be
used to educate Florida policy-makers ~ to help them better understand the
effects of their decisions on the everyday lives of Floridians with
developmental disabilities. Please join us and share your story.
If you can join us, please contact us as soon as possible to reserve your
spot. You can contact us in two ways:
1. Email us at
2. Call us at 813-504-8404
Space is limited so contact us early. This is your
opportunity to voice your concerns.