Oct 31, 2007

More Changes- PCA Takes Rate Cut, APD Hiring 75 OPS Positions

Special Session Summary

10-23-2007Special Session C ended several weeks ago and the State Budget Reduction legislation and Personal Injury Protection legislation has passed and is waiting for the Governors signature. Special Session D is still in session as lawmakers negotiate property tax reduction strategies.

Advocates for social services were successful in working with legislators to reduce administrative and provider costs instead of balancing the states budget by reducing direct services.

Individuals with developmental disabilities and their families were concerned that more services would be reduced after already sustaining massive service reductions and service eliminations and a capped system that has not been fully implemented from the 2007 Regular Session. The Agency for Persons with Disabilities is waiting for federal approval.
The good news is that no more services were reduced or eliminated, managed care solutions were not in the House or Senate proposals and those with intensive needs will be able to receive more Personal Care Assistance service hours.

Personal Care Assistance (PCA) Services limit raised for those with Intensive needs (SB 12 C)Florida Statutes to allow for additional hours of personal care assistance above the current 180 hours per month limit for persons who have intensive physical, medical, or adaptive needs if such hours are essential for avoiding institutionalization. This bill takes effect upon becoming law and is currently awaiting the Governor's approval.

PCA Rate ReductionDuring Conference negotiations, a 4 percent rate decrease to personal care assistance services was included; this decrease was not anticipated by advocates and agency personnel and it will provide a savings of $1.7 million and take effect on January 1, 2008.

Transfer of Children's PCA Services on HoldThe Agency for Health Care Administration will study rates for personal care assistance services in consultation with the Agency for Persons with Disabilities for legislative consideration during the regular session. Services for children's PCA will become the funding responsibility of the Agency for Health Care Administration who oversee the Medicaid State Plan. Currently, rates and provider eligibility requirements are different under the Medicaid State Plan and AHCA needs to evaluate and study what needs to be done to be able to serve children who are currently receiving these services and to minimize service interruption and the loss of current providers. This is expected to occur by July 1, 2008.

Change in Waiver Support Coordinator DutiesSeventy-five temporary OPS state positions were approved to conduct customer needs assessments and prepare initial cost plans. These individuals will be required to have a bachelor's degree and four years of experience in social services working with people with developmental disabilities. Hiring will begin in the next month.

Managed Care for Individuals with Developmental DisabilitiesThere was no proposal relating to managed health care for people with developmental disabilities introduced during the special session although there were documents and suggested language to put all health and waiver services tor individuals with developmental services into managed care
Family Supported Living (FSL) Waiver SurplusThe Senate proposal included taking the FSL Surplus of 23 million and using it to offset the state deficit but, according to the Agency for Persons with Disabilities, a projected surplus of $28.5 million in the FSL waiver will be available to offset the projected deficit in the Developmental Disabilities Home and Community Based Services waiver. The transfer is subject to Legislative Budget Commission approval.
Transfer of Funds to ICF/DD Civil ProgramThe legislature approved the APD proposal to transfer money from secure forensic services to the civil ICF/DD program. General Revenue savings to the state are $444,061. This will allow the state to move individuals in county jails to more appropriate settings.