Nov 4, 2007

Update from Nov 2, 2007 webcam Live meeting with Presidental Candidates

Hello everyone: Here is an update on the Live Link from Nov 2, where the "Presidential Candidates" appeared in New Hampshire and we were able to watch them live and I was very impressed with one of the candidates that was there. Congressman Dennis Kucinich was on and he was very impressive with his speech. He talked about where he was from and how he was disabled growing up and stuttering all the time. Now is the a Congressman from Ohio presently running for the President of the United States. He talked about how he over came his disability and how he had to fight for everything he ever needed in life. He talked about he was teased often but would not let that stop him from his "DREAM". He talked about how he was going to help with the health care system that is broken. He did not brag what he could do but what he has already done for this country as he was appointed to office. He did state the Health Care system is horrible and he would put that as one of his #1 priority in his campaign. He stated he thinks that we all should be getting better care and with this new law that might pass in the future would make everyone have better Health Care, no co-pays, universal health for everyone, no payments to employers health insurance, free care like it should be. No restrictions to the health care system if possible. That would mean the disabled community would not have to worry whether they would pay for medicine instead of eating this every other month. They would have access to all specialists and everyone would be on medicare, medicaid system.

He stated to make this work we need to get out and do our part by getting everyone to the polls and they are promising that the polls will be required to be accessible to the disabled.

I also got to hear a gentleman who is really a good speaker named: Kieth Jones who spoke about his life being disabled. He would talk about going outside for a break and in a wheelchair and people would walk by and throw change in his chair. He would look at them like I have a job why are you doing this? He would make a couple of dollars everyday. He was like I am trying to make people aware just because I am in a wheelchair I have a job, I am no different than anyone else and stop treating me different. He wanted people to stop making people think you are disabled and tell people when they treat you differently becuase the more you bring to thier attention the less they will treat you different anymore.

Sen John Mc Cain was brought in thru telephone hook up and he had someone their to introduce him and speak about him while awaiting the hook up. He spoke how he is on this committee and that committee to help the disabled. He spoke of how he has always tried to help get more funds and help disabled especially the veterans who are coming home disabled from the WAR or what they are calling conflict in IRAQ. My opinion was he did alot of bragging of what he has done but not what he will do in the future if elected. I did not get to see due to forgetting about the webcam show being online : Hillary Clinton or anyone else that was scheduled. So I can not honestly state what she offered if elected.

I think and this is only an opinion that you need to remember and these are words that Keith Jones stated in closing statement: Remember it is not what they wear, it is not where they came from, whether they were poor growing up, but how they speak from thier hearts about what they are going to try to do for us>>>>>> YES!!!! US!!!!! When I speak to someone I try to speak from my heart not what I have done in the past. I served in the Military for 26 yrs but now I am one of your representatives for the Steering committee and I have a big mouth at times and speak when I want to have someone hear what I have to say. The past I was this shy girl growing up and now I was trained in the military you learn to speak up for yourself or people will walk over you and pretend your not even there. So lets get out there in January and get to the polls or do it thru the mail and elect the right people into office. But remember it is not how they dress becuase I would rather see them in Jeans and Tshirt and speak honest and from thier hearts and mean it then dress in a suit and lie to me and yes me to death and do nothing to change this world we live in that is so unfair to all of us..... They cut funds but do they cut their pays ....Nope not one dollar ....... They drive fancy cars, live in million dollar homes, eat in best fancy places and we eat macaroni and cheese or hotdogs and live in jeans and t-shirts and sneakers but are honest and caring of others.

So until next time .... Keep blogging and Follow your dreams matter how small or big they maybe.... do not stop ever....always find another one when you reach the first one......