Aug 13, 2008

Governor Crist Appoints Jim DeBeaugrine as APD Director

Governor Crist Appoints DeBeaugrine as

Director of Agency for Persons with DisabilitiesTALLAHASSEE –

Governor Charlie Crist today announced the appointment ofJames DeBeaugrine of Tallahassee to serve as executive director of theAgency for Persons with Disabilities. DeBeaugrine has served as theagency’s interim director since May and previously as the agency’s deputydirector for budget and planning since August 2007.

“While serving as an analyst and staff director for the Florida House ofRepresentatives, Jim gained considerable experience with Florida’s programsthat serve persons with disabilities,” Governor Crist said. “I amconfident the expertise Jim gained both there and during his 12 months atthe agency will prove helpful in continuing to providing quality servicesto persons with disabilities and their families and caregivers.

”Before coming to the Agency for Persons with Disabilities, DeBeaugrine, 49,served the Legislature as the staff director for the House ofRepresentatives Justice Appropriations Committee since 1997. After aone-year internship with the House of Representatives Committee onAppropriations, he became an analyst for the House Health and HumanServices Appropriations Committee in 1989. He earned a bachelor’s degree insocial services and a master’s degree in public administration from FloridaState University.

“I am honored that Governor Crist has expressed confidence in my ability toensure the health and safety of the people our agency serves and to assistthem in receiving the critical services and support they need to reachtheir full potential both at home and in the community,” said DeBeaugrine.“I will work diligently to ensure that the agency fulfills this mission,and I look forward to continuing to work with stakeholders and serviceproviders throughout the state to improve the lives of people withdisabilities.”

The Agency for Persons with Disabilities is responsible for working inpartnership with local communities to support persons with developmentaldisabilities in living, learning and working, in all aspects of communitylife. Developmental disabilities encompass a variety of conditions thatinterfere with a person's ability to function in everyday activities,including spina bifida, autism, cerebral palsy, Prader-Willi syndrome andmental retardation.

“The Arc of Florida believes Mr. DeBeaugrine will have the best interestsof persons with developmental disabilities in mind as he accepts thedirector’s position at the Agency for Persons With Disabilities,” saidDeborah Linton, executive director of The Arc of Florida. “We look forwardto working with him to improve the quality of life for the persons we allserve.”

“Family Care Council Florida applauds Governor Crist on his selection ofJim DeBeaugrine as Director of the Agency for Persons with Disabilities,”said Betty Kay Clements, FCCF Chairperson. “As interim director he hasshown strong leadership and fiscal responsibility, while responding to andunderstanding the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities. Welook forward to working with him during these unsettled times to ensure thewelfare of individuals with developmental disabilities.”